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LADC is the major Latin-American event on computer system dependability. LADC'2019 was held in Brazil at the city of Natal/RN from November 19 to 21, at the Instituto Metróplole Digital (IMD) premises of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). 

The award of  Best Paper was given to a research paper titled "Performability Analysis of a Tramway System with Virtual Tags and Local Positioning" co-authored by Professor Paolo Lollini (CINI - UNIF), Professor Andrea Bondavalli (CINI - UNIFI) and Diamantea Mongelli (CINI - Resiltech).

The paper describes analysis of the performability of a tramway system, based on the SISTER architectural solutions. The Regional Project SISTER aims at designing new architectural solutions for addressing the previous problems based on the virtualization of the sensors and on the local positioning of each tram.
They have build a model using Stochastic Activity Networks and run sensitivity analyses on i) the accuracy of the positioning, ii) the different SISTER parameters (e.g., those triggering the activation of manual procedures). This analysis allowed to properly set and fine-tune the key architectural parameters, to understand the impact of the accuracy on the positioning, and to understand the impact of failures.