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Dr. Zoltán Micskei and Márton Elekes spent one month at ResilTech in Pontedera, Italy. Their secondment was connected to the research activities in WP2 - Techniques for Collecting Evidence in CPSs.

At the beginning of their secondment, they gave a seminar entitled Testing models and modelling languages. They presented recent research work on how modeling languages and their semantics can be tested using the assessment of the Precise Semantics of UML State Machines (PSSM) OMG standard and it test suite as a case study.

After discussions with researchers from ResilTech, they identified that testing of modelling languages is relevant for them, because they are developing ResilBlockly, a tool for modelling and assessment of System of Systems, used by the company in their R&D projects and consultations.

They identified which topics are relevant both from a research perspective and both from knowledge transfer and the development of the tool. For example, creating a systematic test suite that can be used in different test scenarios and levels is highly relevant. Researches from BME and RESILTECH analyzed the metamodel for ResilBlockly’s Profile Designer, and designed test profiles that could be used to test edge cases or combinations of model elements.