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- Written by Francesco Mariotti
- Category: News
- Hits: 1310
The ADVANCE Final ToK workshop took place at ResilTech on July 17th.
The Workshop received many contributions:
- Presentations on the last / ongoing activities carried out in the project: presentations given by secondments recently concluded or currently running.
- Presentations on other research directions not directly connected to secondment activities but within the scope of the project.
The Workshop was followed by several participants from all the partners, both in person and online.
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- Written by Zoltan Micskei
- Category: News
- Hits: 1633
Zoltán Micskei from BME has been seconded to ResilTech for two weeks. He continues the work with ResilTech researchers on using modeling for testing and analysis of critical systems. As the leader of the Critical Systems Research Group, he gave an update on the recent research activities at BME that can be relevant to ResilTech and the ADVANCE use cases.
During the discussion after the talk, the participants selected potential collaboration areas that can be further developed during the subsequent BME secondments in July: modeling of development processes specifically focusing on security requirements, error propagation analysis in embedded and service-oriented systems and security/safety analysis using novel graph processing techniques.
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- Written by Francesco Mariotti
- Category: News
- Hits: 1848
Antonio Bertachini (INPE) just started his three-months secondment at CINI-UNIFI. He will work with the Florence research group on satellites orbits dynamics, in particular on what-if analysis in case of satellites unavailability.
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- Written by András Földvári
- Category: News
- Hits: 1577
Dóra Cziborová and Márton Elekes started their one-month secondment at ResilTech in Pontedera, Italy. They started their stay with a seminar. Dóra presented ‘Modeling and Verification of Timed Behavior in Fault-Tolerant Systems’. Márton gave a talk about ‘Assessing the Specification of Modeling Language Semantics and a Case Study on UML State Machines’. Together with ResilTech employees, they will work on modeling and verification topics.
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- Written by Francesco Mariotti
- Category: News
- Hits: 2341
The 4th WAFERS workshop took place at ISSRE on 9 October 2023, in Florence. The workshop included a keynote given by Zoltan Micskei (BME), one journal first article and four brand new research papers, as results of ADVANCE project collaborations.
The workshop was attended also by several participants external to the project.
Many thanks goes to the workshop chairs Tommaso Zoppi (UNIFI-CINI), Francesco Brancati (Resiltech) and Esther Colombini (UNICAMP).
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