Maria Maqsood (CINI-UNIFI) has started her secondment at INPE in September, 2019. She is a PhD researcher under supervision of Prof. Andrea Bondavalli at UNIFI. The purpose of her work was to formalize the process of requirement illustration and design of system for Nano satellite project (NanoSATC-BR2), a scientific cubesat-based mission developed by INPE’s South Regional center.  She also worked on the scenarios to address the requirements given by users. She presented the system requirement documents to formalize the procedure of requirements and design of system. 

In the process of formalization, she worked on System requirement specification. In this document she defined the scope of the project, basic functions of the system, operating environment, design and implementation constraints, assumptions and dependencies, user classes and characteristics, system features, use case diagram, high level use case diagrams for each scenario, expanded use case diagrams for each payload in each scenario, sequence diagram of each payload and architecture diagram of the whole system.