Researchers from the ADVANCE project will organize a graduate school on the Verification and Validation (V&V) of Future Cyber-Physical Systems. The school will provide an

  • overview of typical V&V challenges of large-scale safety-critical systems, illustrated by the space and automotive domain,
  • new design, verification and analysis techniques for CPS, e.g. using machine learning or model-based techniques,
  • a discussion panel on using AI techniques in verification and verifying AI-based systems.

Target audience: the lectures are aimed at MSc or early PhD students, who have a basic understanding of software/systems engineering concepts.

Format: the school will be fully online to encourage participation of students. The timing of the school is accessible both from Europe and South America.

Registration: the school will be FREE (supported by the ADVANCE EU project), but registration will be required: 


Tentative program


Carlos Batista presented a talk at the 30th Minisymposium of the Department of Measurement and Information Systems at BME in Februrary, 2023.

The title of the talk was "Resources/Services/Demands Relationship on a Federated Cubesat Constellation System Operation", and detailed the joint work from INPE and BME on modeling Cubesat constellation systems. The models are used to analyze the performance and fault tolerance capabilities of different constellation configurations using simulations.

This work was started during one of the first secondments of the project in 2019, with the research collaboration continuing.

See the conference program

José Fonseca (University of Coimbra – UC/PT) spent his secondment at ResilTech in Pontedera, Italy. 

After discussions with researchers from ResilTech, they identified that data from the ICT Gateway application, which was one of the results of the NET2DG European project, is a good candidate to test the development of a new anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for databases. The ultimate goal is to the deployment of the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in the ICT Gateway setup in order to increase the security of the ICT Gateway related with SQL injection-based attacks.

He gave a seminal that focused on the topic of the anomaly detection intrusion detection system for databases. It focused on the research problem, the proposed anomaly IDS for databases that have two levels for the definition of profiles, the experimental setup, including the ICT Gateway, and future work.

 Tommaso Puccetti and Lorenzo Sarti (UNIFI-CINI) spent their one-month secondment at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil.

The activities carried out concern the evaluation of the robustness of a Visual Odometry system that entrusts the calculation of the position to two ML models: SuperGlue and SuperPoint.

To evaluate the system's robustness, a failure injection campaign was carried out on the vehicle's camera, simulating failures that can occur on its lens.

The picture below is from the seminar taken by Lorenzo and Tommaso regarding the results collected through the failure injection campaign, and proposals of the research roadmap for future collaborations.

The work carried out lays the foundations for a more extensive experimental campaign that could also include an additional system that combines the above-mentioned VO system with a component based on IMU sensors.

Furthermore, the long-term goal will be to test possible mitigations that can increase the robustness of the models against this type of failure. The first proposal is to evaluate the use of Self Supervised Learning techniques.

In this period, also Prof. Andrea Ceccarelli (UNIFI-CINI) was seconded for two weeks at UNICAMP, to guide and support Tommaso and Lorenzo in their activities.

Francesco Mariotti and Francesco Terrosi (UNIFI-CINI) just ended their one-month secondment at INPE. They started to work on the BEDCS use case, with particular interest to the communication between Data Collecting Platforms (DCPs) and satellites, to support the creation of an orbit simulator (also suitable for constellations of satellites) and to investigate anomalies in data sent by DCPs.