Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Per L’Informatica (Italy)
CINI, a consortium of 44 public Italian universities, is today the main reference for the national academic research in the fields of Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and IT. It supports joint scientific activities of research and technological transfer, with academia, industries, and Public Administrations. The CINI research team participating in ADVANCE is the Local node of CINI at UNIFI (CINI-FI) and in particular the Resilient Computing Lab (RCL). CINI-FI has his main research focus on dependable architectures and systems. The group is currently involved in research spanning two macro areas: (1) architectures and techniques for fault-tolerant systems, infrastructures and networks, and (2) validation of systems dependability, trust and QoS through analytical, simulative and experimental techniques. CINI-FI has extensive previous experience in the field of Verification, Validation, Assessment and Measurement of trustworthiness in critical systems. Key persons: Paolo Lollini (coordinator), Andrea Bondavalli (full professor) |
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Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)
The Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) Group is located at the Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra (CISUC). CISUC is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (UC), which is a prestigious European Research Higher Education Institution. With around 20000 students, UC is one of the largest Universities in Portugal. The Systems and Software Engineering Group (formerly named Dependable Systems Group) has been active since 1989, and includes 12 professors and 20 Ph.D. students. Key persons: Henrique Madeira (full professor) |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary)
BME is a university with approximately 22.000 students. The Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group at the Dept. of Measurement and Information Systems has his main research focus on dependable and cloud systems, model-driven software development and formal methods. The group is currently involved in research spanning two CPS related macro areas: (1) V&V techniques (2) measurement-based system identification. The FTSRG has extensive experience in V&V, big data-based measurement analysis, critical CPS. The group offers an MSc course on CPS. Key persons: Zoltán Micskei (assistant professor), András Pataricza (full professor) |
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Universidad de los Andes (Colombia)
According to the QS 2015/2016 University Ranking, UNIANDES was the 283rd top university worldwide. The Dept. of Industrial Engineering at UNIANDES has a total of 1,970 students and 3 research groups that are ranked at the top level according to Colombian research ranking criteria. COPA (Centre for Optimization and Applied Probability) research group supports the decision making process at organizations via the analysis, design and application of operations research and statistical computer-based techniques. Key persons: Ivan Mura (professor) |
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ResilTech s.r.l. (Italy)
ResilTech is an ICT consultancy company operating in the field of critical systems since early 2008; it is a SME company (~25 employers) that integrates the experiences of R&D in resilient computing with specific industrial skills. These two sectors perfectly integrated inside the company makes of ResilTech an ICT consulting company always aware of leading edge technologies and open to innovation. With such a background the company provides a competitive added value offering leading-edge expertise, consultancy and technical support in the Railway and in the Automotive domains regarding the following three main areas: i) Support to the Architectural design of Resilient and Secure Systems, ii) Verification and Validation of Safety Critical Systems, iii) Dependability and Quality of Service Quantitative Evaluation. Regarding the analysis, design, verification and validation of critical systems, ResilTech expertise covers all the involved aspects: modelling, specification, validation and verification; Hazard Analysis; analysis of Mean Time Between Hazardous Events; Failure Mode and Effect Analysis; System FMEA; planning and management of Safety Cases; Verification and Validation activities planning; Software Quality verification. Regarding the Architectures and Methodologies for Resilient and Secure Systems, ResilTech services encompass from the support to the architectural design of critical ICT systems to the software development of diagnostic libraries for embedded systems. Key persons: Francesco Brancati |
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Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil)
The University of Campinas is a leading Brazilian public university that has attained international recognition for excellence through its innovative approach to higher education. It is the 2nd Latin America's top ten university, and it is the top Brazilian university in number of published articles per faculty members. The UNICAMP group in this project comprises the Institute of Computing (IC) and the School of Technology (FT). Key persons: Eliane Martins (associate professor) |
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Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Brazil)
INPE is a governmental civilian organization which develops research in Space and Atmospheric Sciences, Earth Observation and Science, Meteorology and Space Engineering. INPE has graduate schools in these areas with an average of 150 students graduated per year, being 85 MSc and 63 PhD. INPE also provides numerical weather and climate prediction products, applies remote sensing techniques, and develops space systems such as satellites and balloons, and ground segment for spacecraft monitoring, control, and data collection, processing and dissemination. Key persons: Fátima Mattiello-Francisco (senior technologist) |
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