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- Written by Zoltan Micskei
- Category: News
- Hits: 7319
Prof. András Pataricza (BME) has started his secondment at Resiltech in July 2019. Prof. András Pataricza is a full professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main research interests are dependable systems, data analysis and formal methods.
Prof. Pataricza worked on the automotive case study provided by Resiltech. He investigated how requirement, project and code metrics can be used to guide the development and validation activities of such complex systems. As a first step, he and experts from Resiltech analyzed metrics provided by vulnerability databases and static analysis tools on the source code of the Linux kernel.
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- Written by Akos Hajdu
- Category: News
- Hits: 7251
András Vörös (BME) has started his secondment at INPE in June 2019. András Vörös is an assistant professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main research interest is formal methods and model-driven software and systems engineering.
András presented tutorials at INPE and UNICAMP on "Model-based Systems Engineering" summarizing his past research and professional experiences on modeling, modeling languages and verification techniques. He presented tools and case studies from previous and ongoing research projects at BME.
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- Written by Akos Hajdu
- Category: News
- Hits: 7051
The project kick-off and the first Transfer of Knowledge workshop was held in Florence in the beginning of February 2019. The goal of the workshop was to present the competencies of each partner, and start collecting the new challenges and the requirements of the two industrial case studies. These will serve as a basis for future V&V activities of CPS systems.
The first case study is the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System (BEDCS) developed and operated at INPE, which is a system to monitor the state of rainforest and oceans. The system consists of more than 800 data collection stations scattered throughout Brazil, satellites collecting the data from the stations, and a data processing and visualization center. The system consists of heterogeneous, dynamic components developed and evolved since the nineties, therefore the V&V of the systems is highly complex and critical. One of the current major challenges is to update the system to a CubeSat-based platform without interruptions in the system operation.
The second use case provided by ResilTech is studying the use of modern, multi-core processors and operating systems in future safety-critical systems. Based on experiences in the automotive, railway and industrial automation domains, currently single-core processors and dedicated operating systems supporting a limited number of devices and sensors are used in safety-critical systems. However, on the one hand due to new CPS application areas, e.g. autonomous driving or intelligent industrial controllers, increased performance and flexibility is needed. On the other hand introducing multi-core processors and more general operating systems pose significant verification and certification challenges. The ADVANCE project will work on V&V techniques applicable in this context and will follow relevant industrial initiatives (e.g. OSADL SIL2LinuxMP).
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- Written by Zoltan Micskei
- Category: News
- Hits: 5775
The exchange of research staff and the transfer of knowledge has been started in the ADVANCE project. Researchers participating in secondments present their main research areas and current work to the hosting institution and start to work jointly on the identified challenges of the project.
Researchers from UNICAMP and INPE from Brazil visited CINI in Italy in the first months of the year. Now in June and July researchers from CINI and BME will be seconded to INPE to work on the research topics provided by BEDCS, the INPE case study. Seconded researchers will investigate how fault modeling, protocol verification and model checking can be used on the case study system.
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