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- Written by Zoltan Micskei
- Category: News
- Hits: 6928
The 1st Workshop on vAlidation and verification in FuturE cybeR-physical Systems (WAFERS) will be co-Located with the LADC 2019 Conference (Latin-American Dependable Computing) on November 19th Natal, Brasil.
The goal of the workshop is to provide a common forum where researchers from across the world can debate new research ideas and directions on novel dependability assessment approaches for cyber-physical and complex systems by gathering researchers and practitioners working on cypher-physical research topics and related areas such as data communication in cyber-physical networks, safety and security of cyber-physical and critical systems, automated verification and validation of critical systems.
The workshop featured invited papers presenting ongoing research projects, three talks presenting the accepted papers, and a panel discussion shared with LADC.
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- Written by Akos Hajdu
- Category: News
- Hits: 8360
Bence Graics and Vince Molnár (BME) have started their secondments at INPE in October 2019. Bence Graics is a PhD student and Vince Molnár is an associate researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Their main research interests are model-driven development and verification of component-based reactive systems. Vince Molnár also specialized on formal methods to support the verification of large-scale concurrent systems.
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- Written by Hafiza Maria Maqsood
- Category: News
- Hits: 5379
Elder de Oliveira (UNICAMP) has presented his ongoing mater's thesis entitled "Towards a Structured Specification of Coding Conventions". The main contribution of his work is to provide a DSL (domain specific language) to express coding rules (for Java), allowing the possibility to automatically generate static checkers to validate a Java source code.
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- Written by Hafiza Maria Maqsood
- Category: News
- Hits: 7603
During the considered period, Andrea Ceccarelli (CINI-UNIFI) worked with professors Leonardo Montecchi and Eliane Martins, PhD student Lucas Leal and MSc student Elder de Oliveira Rodrigues Júnior. In particular, it should be noted that Andrea Ceccarelli is currently appointed as supervisor of Lucas Leal, who is currently performing a dual PhD Degree with University of Campinas and University of Firenze. Further, Andrea Ceccarelli is expected to supervise Elder during his stay in Firenze, that is planned for six months starting at the end of 2019.
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- Written by Hafiza Maria Maqsood
- Category: News
- Hits: 6346
Maria Maqsood (CINI-UNIFI) has started her secondment at INPE in September, 2019. She is a PhD researcher under supervision of Prof. Andrea Bondavalli at UNIFI. The purpose of her work was to formalize the process of requirement illustration and design of system for Nano satellite project (NanoSATC-BR2), a scientific cubesat-based mission developed by INPE’s South Regional center. She also worked on the scenarios to address the requirements given by users. She presented the system requirement documents to formalize the procedure of requirements and design of system.
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